Request a Refund (cashout)
Note: Submitting a cashout disables (inactivates) your My Family Room eWallet. The cashout process is mostly intended for users who will no longer require use of their My Family Room eWallet, however, once cashout processing is complete, you can request to have it enabled (activated) again if required.
To request a full refund (cashout), follow these steps:
2. Select your profile icon in the top right corner * Follow additional App or Website instructions below
App: 3. Select your eWallet balance or the arrow next to it 4. Select the 3 dots in the top right corner 5. Select "Request cashout" Website: 3. Select the 3 dots to the right of your eWallet balance 4. Select "Request cashout"
You will be presented with two options listed below.
Refund Options PAYPAL (recommended) - you can use this option to receive a full refund of your account balance back to your personal PayPal account electronically. Refunds via PayPal electronic transfer are normally processed within 10 business days.
CHEQUE – you can use this option to receive a full refund of your account balance via cheque. Cheques are normally delivered within 20 business days, barring delays to mail delivery timelines.
If you have questions or require assistance, please use the Contact Us link below.